Barbie 60th Anniversary


Inspiring girls since 1959.

Brand Design
Visual Design
Interaction Design
From astronaut to zoologist, there isn’t a plastic ceiling Barbie hasn’t broken. With over 200 careers and counting, she continues to inspire the limitless potential in every girl. To commemorate #Barbie60, the brand highlighted milestones in Barbie history and launched the biggest celebration of role models across the globe.
Leading up to the anniversary, we celebrated Barbie history to build awareness and better educate audiences on the brand. We launched a 60 day countdown of Barbie’s biggest moments on Instagram stories supported by a series of Barbie Through the Decades in feed posts. The content drove to an interactive history timeline on where users could explore more milestones.
Instagram Stories // Countdown to #Barbie60

Social Posts // Barbie Through the Decades // History Timeline

The biggest celebration of role models.

In celebration of the brand’s 60th anniversary and International Women’s Day, Barbie proudly honored #MoreRoleModels than ever in an effort to inspire more girls. We highlighted the brand’s latest role models the dolls created in their likeness on social media. // Role Models Campaign Page

Highlighting global role models on Instagram stories.

We featured our latest Barbie role models on Instagram stories and through in-feed posts driving to the campaign page.

Honoring empowering women through one-of-a-kind dolls.

To celebrate our role models we created dolls in their likeness and shared them on social.

Social Channel Banners

Creating a destination.

We created a hub on to capture all the celebrations throughout the brand’s 60th year. Here users could read about our mission, find events near them, watch campaign videos, connect to our library of inspiring role models, shop anniversary dolls, and access educational brand materials. // 60th Anniversary Landing Page